The Itsy-Bitsy, Teenie-Weenie, Very Litigious Bikini

By Katherine Rosman, Dec. 20, 2018, New York Times
On a sunny summer day in Montauk, Ipek Irgit was in the familiar situation of not knowing what she was doing with her life. It was 2012, and she was 34 years old. Earlier in the year, after having her heart broken, she had taken a vacation in Brazil, visiting Rio de Janeiro and the beach towns of Bahia. Now she was on the beach on Long Island, wearing a handmade-looking bikini with crochet and exposed elastic straps, trying to figure out what to do and who to be.
Momentum in Dubai, Middle East’s Fashion Mecca
“See now, buy now”: what does it really mean for the fashion industry?
| FEBRUARY 23 2016
There are certainly winds of change blowing through fashion right now, and there are some who are most definitely going to catch cold! There have been more column inches written during the Fashion Month for the AW16 season on the changing tactics of designer brands than in that entire past six months – or at least it feels like that – and just what is it all about?